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Classified Ads
If you have something Model A related to sell, trade or an item you need for your current project, please email and it will be published in this section. Remember photos speak volumes when you're trying to sell or explain an item. Please know your ad will be taken down (removed) from the site after 60 days. We do ask if you sell or modify your item to please let us know as soon as possible so it can be deleted or modified. If you'd like to have your item reposted after the 60 days. Please resubmit your item.

The Las Vegas Valley Model A Club simply is offering a place for the members to advertise their items and/or share items with other members. If you are not a member and have Ford Model A related items, please feel free to contact to publish your item.

The LVVMAC takes no responsibility for any of the information nor warrants any items. The sale and purchase are only between the seller and buyer. The Club is not involved and does not receive any remuneration. 
For Sale:

Last Updated 9/2/23 

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